Monday, November 24, 2008


The 4-H newsletter just came out today, and my article is on the second page :) There's also a really nice picture of me on Stella. I'm happy, considering I wrote and revised the 250-word piece in...half an hour, tops. 
I wonder if anyone else has read it yet. I mentioned Mindy and Larry both, and neither of them know about the article yet. I don't think I showed it to anyone but Julie, to be honest with you.
And I just ate the best banana in the history of bananas. 
And I just got back from "marking" a few more books in the library with my little cards. I also "marked" the window of the door leading to one of the upper levels. And I took pictures, because I happened to have my camera with me. Hehehe, so much fun... 
I was bored after I got out of computer science.
And now I'm sitting around instead of straightening up and getting ready to leave tomorrow night. I have so much stuff to do. Well, actually, I've got almost everything ready to go. Never mind. 

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