I finally un-squicked myself and went to Stephen. I simply asked him where the department head's office is. I didn't even bother asking him a little more about the major, because I think I can handle whatever Calculus has to throw at me. Pre-Cal wasn't that bad, and I'm handling Chemistry just fine now. Stephen directed me to the Computer Science departmental lounge place that I didn't know existed and I went to see the department head in her office.
She seemed very nice, but I was terribly nervous. She asked me a little about myself, so I told her that I'd taken two classes with Stephen and that I have (way over) the 28 credits required to declare. She surprised me by asking which professor I wanted as my advisor. I didn't know that I could pick, so I just chose Stephen. I turned in my green card to Academic Services and then trekked back down to Stephen's office. He was still there, but all of his other students had already left. I ducked inside and told him that the department head told me to give him something. He took my blue card and glanced at it, and then he started smiling. He was so excited, and so was I :) I told him I was a little worried, and he laughed at me. I told him that I'm not a brilliant math student, but he said that it would be okay. I'm happy now.
I went to riding after I was all set, and then I had to rush to make it to my advising meeting on time. My advisor was late, though, and I sat there for about 20 minutes wondering where he was. He's lucky I'm so patient! He came running in and was glad that I stuck around, so we went into his office for a nice chat.
We talked about how my semester has been going, and then he asked me if I've thought about possible majors. I proudly told him that I declared a major today and was planning to declare my second tomorrow. He was very curious about my decisions. I told him that I declared Computer Science today and he nodded, but his face lit up when I told him that I plan to declare Latin tomorrow. I mean, he was REALLY excited to hear that. I think he was a little disappointed when he thought that a person who came in for Classics had gone down (two flights of stairs) to Computer Science, but I'm going to have the best of both worlds :)
I think that, if I can survive next semester, I'll make a fine Computer Science/Latin major. I want to take Calculus I this summer at the community college, and then I would like to take Calculus II and Intro to Discrete Mathematics next semester, along with a Classics course, the next Latin class in the sequence, Computer Science I, and possibly riding.
I think I'd be an even better Computer Science major if I stopped blogging and started debugging my Javascript...
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