Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This Summer.

Blahhhh. I feel horrible because I had to go to the eye doctor which means I had to get my eyes dilated. I hate going to the eye doctor. I hate eye drops. I hate stinging stuff in my eyes. Ick. I'd much rather any other physical exam over the eye doctor.
It's been a wonderful summer. It's been really busy, but it's been really good.
Larry found me a job at a feed store, which was, eh, interesting. I have upper body strength now. Every Monday I had to load (and possibly unload) the delivery truck. After I would come dangerously close to passing out, falling to my death (ahh, I'm being dramatic, I would've only been seriously injured...), and being crushed and or suffocated by the sheer weight of bags and heat of the summer and overworking, I got to sit in the store. There are two cats who live at the store named Miss Piggy and Chickadee. They were both evil cats. They would climb on the shelves and throw things in the floor, and they would rip open boxes and break things. There used to be a fish bowl on the counter where a lady collected money for an animal shelter. The cats managed to knock it on the floor and break it. Good going, I'm sure your homeless buddies will thank you. One time there was a customer at the desk and the cats fought their way off the top of their huge scratching post and into the trash can, pulling the phone and a ton of other important stuff off of the desk and in the trash with them. They scratched and bit me, tried to eat my food, walked all over the keyboard, and were just overall very bad cats. I liked them though. It's hard for me not to like animals... Today was my last day of work. I'm actually kinda going to miss it. I liked the feed store.
I got a new computer this summer. It's another Toshiba Satellite. It looks a lot better than my old one, and runs a lot better (but you've gotta give the old one credit for being eight years old and still going strong) :) Yeah, so the Mac died in a flood. Good riddance. I've got my two Toshibas and Paul and I are going to work on getting all my stuff off the Mac so I can possibly sell it off to someone who is A) willing to put forth some effort to replace some waterlogged parts for a cheap Mac or B) extremely stupid. I don't straight-up hate Macs like some people, but I'm sticking with Windows for now and I might dual-boot some flavor of Linux on here (my new laptop) in the future, just to play with it.
I moved Ralph (my green spotted puffer fish, not sure I've talked about them much before) to a marine tank this summer. He was really sad and I could tell he was ready to move into saltwater. He lives with an ocellaris clownfish named Alex now. They're good buddies, but we had a week or so where Ralph kept eating Alex's pectoral fins... It was bad, but now the fins are growing back and the fish are happy :) Nikki, my plecostomus, is getting really big. I've also got four corydoras (Katie, Eddie, Julie, and Joey), plus four zebra danios (Wendy, Cody, Ashley, and Lenny). I've spent many hours watching the fish this summer. They make me so happy :)
Ehhh, what else happened this summer?
Paul's sister got married, and that was fun.
I went to Paul's a lot, actually. It was great. And Paul and I went to Busch Gardens because my mom won free tickets from the radio :)
I remembered how to make ice cream with two bags, milk, ice, and salt, and I've been obnoxiously flaunting my talent ever since. WHUSHHK WHUSHHHHK! What are you breaking in there? Is everything okay? I'm makin' ICE CREAM! WHUSHHHKKKKKKK! WHUSHHHK! Ughhhhh.
I dunno, it's just been a good summer.
I can't wait for school to start though.
I'm taking two computer science classes, a psychology class, a linguistics class, and statistics. I think they'll all be pretty interesting. I just felt like writing and now I don't feel like writing, so there you go :)