Monday, May 18, 2009

More computer and college stuffs

I never found that disk (Does it even exist? I read about it somewhere, and I swear I haven't lost it.), so I'm trying to find a Java compiler. Evidently, I can't ssh into the school's server to work on my Javascript project that I was so hoping to tinker with over the summer :( So it goes. The page is still available, so I'll probably just "steal" my work from the source and maybe find some way to play with it. I still have my old Freewebs site that I don't touch anymore, so maybe I'll find a way to devote a page to my Latin Composition Tutor.
That meant nothing to anyone but me, I'm sure. Hahahaha.
I've been working on my calculus class. It's not that bad yet. I hope it never gets to a point where I think it's "bad." I think I'm the only traditional college student in the class. Most of the people who've posted their introductions on the message board are adult learners, which isn't a bad thing by any means. The teacher seems really nice just judging from our short meeting at the community college. I walked into the room and sat down, and she asked me to come to the front to get a syllabus. I looked at both of them and realized that both of them were for a basic arithmetic class, not calculus. She must've seen the confusion on my face because she walked over to assist me. I asked her about the calculus class and she told me that I didn't have to attend the meeting. I sat through it anyway because she was going over something we'd be using in class, and I realized that I had to use something similar for my chemistry classes. For the most part, my whole distance learning orientation wasn't very useful. I bought my books, and that was about it. I wouldn't be taking an online learning class if I didn't know how to use a computer, and I most certainly wouldn't be taking calculus if I weren't in a major that involved learning even more about computers. I was, fortunately, spared the annoyance of not being in the library computers already. I took many, many dual-enrollment courses in high school, all through this community college. I just had to have my picture taken (I looked silly, and I just happened to be wearing a shirt that was almost identical in color to the background so I looked like a floating head and neck. Hehehe.) and get an actual card. They messed up my last name once, so I had to do the whole thing again. So it goes.
My life is even more boring now that I'm home from school. Bleh.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Calculus owns me.

The orientation for my online Calculus class is this afternoon, and I'm a little nervous. Sure, I looked at the syllabus. That made me feel a little better because the first unit is stuff that I already know and stuff that I will easily remember once I look it over. But I'm still nervous.
I need to buy the book and the required software tonight. Hopefully the software will be compatible with my computer. I always, always, always worry about that. I might have to switch computers with my family for a bit.
I've also got to find the "developer's disk" that came with my computer. Supposedly there's a disk with a compiler specifically for my computer on it. I'd like to go into 220 with as much knowledge of C++ and/or Java as I had of Javascript when I went into 110. Frankly, my knowledge wasn't great, but it did make life a whole lot easier. I guess, however, that once you understand the concept of programming in one language, it shouldn't be too much harder to learn a second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on.
In more amusing news, I went to the chiropractor yesterday. We were talking about math and computer science, engineering and anatomy as the cracks from my vertebrae made me cringe. He asked me what languages they teach at school. I told him that they teach all sorts, but then told him that I only know Javascript so far. He went off on a tangent about HTML and Fortran. It made me smile :) I dunno, I just thought it was humorous to see him standing over me, simultaneously snapping my neck and lecturing me on how HTML is not an actual language. I think lots of things are funny.
In not-so-amusing-yet-absolutely-amazing news, I OWNED CHEMISTRY THIS SEMESTER.
I had something else to write about, but I forgot it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I went a little crazy with these things, but I'm bored.

You Are a Mac

You are creative, stylish, and super trendy.

You are a bit obsessed with gadgets, and you like owning the newest devices.

You aren't the type of person who separates work from pleasure.

In your opinion, all work should be fun. You love creating.

Aesthetics are very important to you. You like to be surrounded by beautiful, sleek things.

You demand the best - even if it costs an arm and a leg.

I don't consider myself stylish or trendy (I still have and wear clothes from 6th grade, no joke.), but I definitely need to make my work fun. I like beautiful things, particularly those that lead me to create even more beautiful things.
This would be a perfect time for me to tell the story about how Windows made me cry the first time I ever used a computer, but... I'll save that one :)

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

Ha! That proves it! I am HALF a woman. Screw you all :D

There Are 0 Gaps in Your Knowledge

Where you have gaps in your knowledge:

No Gaps!

Where you don't have gaps in your knowledge:








Wow. Uhm... I guessed a lot.

Your Word is "Think"

You see life as an amazing mix of possibilities, ideas, and fascinations.

And sometimes you feel like you don't have enough time to take it all in.

You love learning. Whether you're in school or not, you're probably immersed in several subjects right now.

When you're not learning, you're busy reflecting. You think a lot about the people you know and the things you've experienced.

This one describes me quite well, in my opinion.

Yeah, I'll write about why I use a Mac on another day. Usually I forgive and forget, but first impressions last a long time... :) (I'm just kidding, I still use Windows occasionally--like when I sneak attack and install Firefox in place of IE on the family computer, muahahaha!)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Panicking solves nothing...or everything.

After I posted that last bit, I went on a mad hunt through all of my college boxes. I didn't find my notebook. I was seriously flustered by that point, so I went up to my bedroom to peruse my PreCal text. I got bored, nodded off, woke up, and started hunting again. This time, I rummaged through all of my typical hiding spots. Ooooh, doesn't that make me sound shady? :P
I eventually found my notebook, and I was so relieved. Seriously, I'm so glad I found it. *sigh*

Oh no. Ohhhhh no.

My notebook is missing. The one I write all of my dreams in. I'm almost panicking. First of all, I've been keeping it for almost a year and a half. If it's lost, there's all of that "research" down the drain. And if someone else finds it before I do... Oh man. "Embarrassing" can't even begin to describe it. I don't want anyone else to read some of what I've written in there. I forced myself to be completely open and honest with everything in that notebook, and I'm just not comfortable with being that open with most people.
This is bad. Really bad. But there's some good news, too.
I checked my school e-mail today just to see if I'd gotten any new mail. Stephen sent me my project and exam grades. I got 11.5 out of 10 on my project (because of the extra credit) and a 94% on my exam. He also added that I'm a natural, which really meant a whole lot to me. I'm still worried about calculus. The class starts in about a week, and I'm getting more nervous by the day. I'm going to try to believe that I can do it, though :)