Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day is here, and the score is unfortunately still 2-0, me in the lead.
Last night was absolutely amazing. GALL pulled off an excellent prank involving at least a mile's worth of rubber bands. We went out to the plaza where the fountain is located and proceeded to wrap the rubber band string around lamp posts, trees, benches, and the pillars in front of the two dorms and the academic building that surround it. Three people, including myself, sat around and made flags to aid in visibility while the others hiked up lamp posts and placed themselves in precarious positions for the sake of our prank. People passed through as we worked. Some laughed and smiled, while some attempted to maintain a straight face. My absolute favorite reaction was the dropped jaw. People watched as we tangled rubber bands above their heads and questioned our motives. At one point, I saw the campus police heading toward us with their lights flashing--I think it would've been hysterical if they'd actually come to stop us. Alas, they quickly turned off of the main walk and onto an actual road. It took a little over an hour to complete the project, and the results were impressive. I admit I didn't know how well this was going to work, but I was stunned when I saw a massive tangled web looming over the heads of pedestrians throughout the day.
I also did a little something by myself ;) When I was leaving chemistry this morning, Jane asked me about it, saying that it was either "a professor or someone from GALL," and that the "someone" from GALL would be either Mike or me because we both frequent that particular academic building.
I did squick out on one thing that I'd planned, mostly because I was tired and needed to sleep and not entirely sure about it. I don't really regret the decision, though I may eventually attempt it. It would be very, very fun.
No one managed (bothered) to pull anything on me. In fact, the only other mention of April Fools' Day I heard (aside from GALL, the occasional Facebook status, and my own conversations with myself) was from Stephen, who wrote out a really wonky, redundant array thing on the board and then assured a student that he was just messing around for April Fools' Day when she asked why he'd written it in that particular way. Meh.
I'm catching on to arrays.
...But I'm having some math problems.
I have almost zero issues writing Javascript, and I can pick out actual Javascript errors with relative ease. The thing that screws me over is that, when I'm writing programs, I mess up the mathematical parts and have no idea what I've done.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm making a huge mistake by majoring in computer science since I suck at math; I also worry about majoring in Latin on a regular basis. I just don't feel like I'm any good at Latin anymore. I signed up for Calculus I tonight. I'll be taking it over the summer via distance learning. Next semester, I'm taking Intro to Discrete Math, Calculus II (supposedly, once I get the registrar to force-add me), an advanced Latin literature survey course (CATULLUS AGAIN!!!), Classics 101 (the professor/my advisor said he'd force-add me), Computer Science I, and hopefully a riding class. Even with all my worries, I'm still really excited about next semester. I got almost all of the classes I want so far, and that's more than most people can say. I guess busting my butt in high school with so many "useless" AP and dual-enrollment courses really has paid off because I get to register much earlier than most of my peers.
Oh. It's bedtime. And I'm really in a writing mood, too. I should write about my first SDS meeting, too. That was an...experience. It was like going back to those years when I couldn't swim, walking up to the edge of a deep pool, someone shoving me in, and then realizing that there are sharks in the pool, and then realizing that the sharks are vegetarians and nice and use really cool hand (flipper?) signals. Did that last sentence even make sense? I dunno, but I'm going to bed.

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