Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleep? No, writing.

I feel kind of sick. I think I'm just hungry, as usual, and sleep-deprived. I hope I'm not actually getting sick. That would suck.
This "request to study at another U.S. institution" thing is a tad more complex than I thought it would be. It's going to take 10 business days for them to tell me whether my credits will transfer or not (They should...), and then I've still got to get force-added into Calculus II.
I can't decide whether or not this class is "for my major." It's a prerequisite for a prerequisite for a class in my major. I'm assuming that it's not, just because I don't feel like walking all the way down to my advisor's office and asking him to sign my sheet. I kind of feel like I should, though, just to be safe. I don't think I will.
Muahahaha, I stole a pen from the registar's office. It's a nice pen.
I still can't believe I'm subjecting myself to three more math classes. I swore I'd never take any more than I needed to graduate from college, but... Yeah. Plans change. The thought of being a Latin teacher terrifies me. I'm decent at public speaking once I get started, but I don't think I'm one of those people who have that amazing gift for teaching. I'd just add to the mass of tolerable-to-slightly-crummy teachers in the world.
I've got so many colored circles lying around on my desk and surrounding areas. I don't really know what to do with them. I don't want to throw them out. That'd be a waste of paper and all the time I spent tracing and cutting them.
Oh yeah. I wanted to write about my first SDS meeting last night. There's really an interesting story behind how I managed to end up there. When I was planning out my classes for next semester, I noticed that all of them were going to be in one academic building. I thought it was amusing, so I left my Facebook status as "...should just live in Trinkle next year."
A few days, maybe a week, passed until housing selection night. When I got there, I received a slip of paper that said that I was assigned to "hotel housing." Apparently, they ran out of rooms on campus and decided to dump us off in some random hotel. There are a lot of reasons for this that I really don't care to get into here. When I got back from housing selection, I changed my status to say " serious about living in Trinkle now. Housing assignment? Hotel." Later on, Mike (GALL Mike, not chemistry Mike) asked me why I didn't just live in the academic building. He convinced me that I'd spawned a good protest idea, so he asked me to come out to an SDS meeting and get it into action.
I told him that I'd come, so I felt obligated to go out. And, just as I felt all "socially anxious" about going to my first GALL meeting, I was absolutely shaking by the time I arrived at the meeting place. They were quite happy to see me, though, and I felt a little more comfortable since I recognized a few people from GALL. Sara even offered to sit by me, which was quite a comforting thing for me. They explained their hand signals--I don't remember all of them, but there were "upward sparkles" for liking something, "downward sparkles" for disliking something, "hand raising," "louder" (Of course, directed toward me when it was my turn to talk... Yet another reason I'm not going to be a teacher.), "clarify," and a bunch of others that I've forgotten--and a few other things, and then we got started.
I'm glad I was chewing a piece of gum, or I probably would've panicked. When housing came up, Mike silently urged me to speak up. I gathered some gall and raised my hand. Well, what do you know? We're gonna do it. Gah, what have I gotten myself into? I need to write a press release thing, and the guy who was supposed to help me has squicked out. It's exciting, though.
I need a nap and I need to finish this thing and I need to do homework and all sorts of other stuff.
My chemistry and computer science classes are cancelled tomorrow. Really.

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