Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oh no. Ohhhhh no.

My notebook is missing. The one I write all of my dreams in. I'm almost panicking. First of all, I've been keeping it for almost a year and a half. If it's lost, there's all of that "research" down the drain. And if someone else finds it before I do... Oh man. "Embarrassing" can't even begin to describe it. I don't want anyone else to read some of what I've written in there. I forced myself to be completely open and honest with everything in that notebook, and I'm just not comfortable with being that open with most people.
This is bad. Really bad. But there's some good news, too.
I checked my school e-mail today just to see if I'd gotten any new mail. Stephen sent me my project and exam grades. I got 11.5 out of 10 on my project (because of the extra credit) and a 94% on my exam. He also added that I'm a natural, which really meant a whole lot to me. I'm still worried about calculus. The class starts in about a week, and I'm getting more nervous by the day. I'm going to try to believe that I can do it, though :)

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