Friday, December 12, 2008

Step Two

I finished my cereal this morning. Contrary to what I wrote last night, I did NOT have a serving left. I had a handful or two, which did not make me happy. Now I'm desperate to eat something. But that's not what I came to write about. I guess I can suck it up for an hour or so.
I cut the big panels of my cereal box and saved them for my stencil. 
Now I need an exacto knife--a scalpel, maybe? I know we have one of those at home--and some spray paint. At the rate they're going with Lee Hall, I hope the wall is still up by the time we come back from break. I would cry if they took it down before I got to paint my picture. 
Oh, and I lost my Sharpie. My good, new, retractable black Sharpie. I used it the other night, and I swear I put it back in my cup holder, or at least somewhere on my desk. I can't find it. That also does not make me happy. 
I need to get something to eat; I'm absolutely ill.
EDIT: I am retarded. The Sharpie was right in front of my face. Wow.

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