Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh, snap. Catch it!

I was going to write something last night, but I really just ran out of time. I've been very, very busy lately. Now I have to remember what I was going to write last night.
I was going to write about all of the silly little things that amused me yesterday, particularly the rain.
I woke up with my to-do list printed clearly on the side of my face. I have a habit of writing appointments and other things I should do during the day on my hands. I made a note on my hand before bed, and I got a good giggle when I looked in the mirror. The ink print was surprisingly very clear. Maybe I should've scrubbed off my hand and gotten a reminder for my advising meeting each time I washed my hands! :)
I also had a whole lot of fun walking in the rain throughout the day. I enjoy that feeling of nice rain dripping on my head, eventually working its way down my nose so that I have to shake the droplets off. I like seeing the rain, and smelling the rain, and feeling the rain, and hearing the rain, and probably tasting the rain too. I like watching people walk with umbrellas. I really like watching people sharing an umbrella, particularly when a tall person tries to share a short person's umbrella. It's comical. I like watching people who don't have umbrellas scurry around like the rain is 12M hydrochloric acid that'll burn their skin off if they don't hurry inside. I love splashing in puddles. One time in high school, Robert, Gretchen, and I were caught outside in the morning during a torrential downpour. Robert and I sloshed through all of the puddles, sending up fantastic sprays of water. Robert got quite a bit of pleasure out of directing the sprays in Gretchen's general direction. It's amazing how such simple stuff can be so entertaining. I really do love the way the world smells when it's raining. When I was in my computer science class yesterday, someone told my professor that it smells like "worms." I've never sniffed a worm, but I don't think they're the source of that wonderful, after-the-rain smell.
Wow, that's a lot of talk about rain.
Today was also a good day. There were pancakes at the dining hall for breakfast this morning. I love their pancakes, particularly with strawberry syrup. Yum yum. I also like it when they have watermelon, but they didn't have any this morning. I got all of my translations finished this morning, and then I went to Latin. Class was quite good. Dr. Houghtalin received our National Latin Exam scores, but it'll be a while before we get them. I'm excited. I only got to take the NLE once in high school, but I received a medal for it, and a certificate that was signed by my favorite, favorite, favorite Latin teacher in the whole world, our dearest extraterrestrial :) That class with that wonderful man... One of the things I actually miss about high school. Ecphrasis. That's a new word we learned today. It's one of the many strange, strange poetry terms that we've learned, and it's a DIGRESSION. Which I've done once again. Dr. Houghtalin's husband taught our class last week and lectured on Book IX of the Aeneid.
One memorable quote from that lecture:
PROFESSOR: "And what do you think Virgil was doing at the time of his death?"
(ANSWER: Studying philosophy.)
Hey, I thought it was funny.
I didn't get to translate in Latin today, but that's okay. I think I'm finally picking up on meter, which is a miracle. I've had countless English teachers try to teach me how to scan, along with my so-called AP Latin teacher(s), and only Mrs. Weddle came close. I'm finally starting to get it, though, and I'm even starting to understand where to elide. I know I worry lots about my Computer Science major on here, but I worry about my Latin major quite a bit, perhaps even more.
I eventually have to take a Latin composition class, which scares me to death. I also know that if things get wonky, I have to drop a major--namely, the one that isn't contributing to the Sam Likes To Eat foundation. Sometimes I even worry that I'm not good at Latin anymore, or that I don't like it for one reason or another. Those feelings pass pretty quickly. I think most of those were the result of a terrible experience in AP Latin and then a whole year to brew on it before picking up with the language again. By that time, I was plenty bitter and plenty rusty for 201, but I'm getting back into the swing of it. When I read in Latin, I can tell my vocabulary is growing once again, and I'm getting back to the point where I can give all of the "vital information" on just about every word. I really need to teach myself about the subjunctive again. I remember that we beat a liar and some other things, but that's it.
After Latin, I went to my first protest. Mmhm. SDS had its sleep-in against hotel housing this afternoon. Things were slow for a while, but we had almost 25 people at the end. A lot of people came for a short amount of time and had to leave, too. It was a really fun event, and we had lots of blankets to help combat the chill. Someone cut four gigantic bamboo rods that we used to hold up an even more gigantic canvas banner with our message painted on it. Since we only needed three of the bamboo rods, we kept the fourth nearby in case things got out of hand ;) Seriously, the whole thing was a decent, peaceful, sane protest that simply requested more student involvement and more visibility. The head of Residence Life even came out to see us, laughing about how another student went to her office to warn her about our actions. She told that student that she didn't care because protests are good and students who care are good. We had a long talk, exchanged suggestions, and ended the whole thing with me feeling very satisfied. A few tour groups passed by, and we got a couple of questions. We got lots of questions from lots of people. It was a good thing. I guess I'll go to the meeting tomorrow night. Maybe they still need and/or want me for something.
There was also a GALL meeting tonight. We didn't do any sort of project, but we did some planning and played the Snap Game. I learned about the Snap Game at the SDS meeting, but I actually played tonight. IT WAS TOO FUN. One person "tossed" a snap to someone, and that person "caught" it. I couldn't snap my fingers very well tonight, but the game was great--dropping it, eating and regurgitating it, stomping on it, disinfecting it, baseball hits, volleyball hits, almost breaking the lamp, snap juggling, and everything else we could think of. It was a good improv game, and it really set a wonderful mood for the rest of the meeting. I think that I'll toss a few snaps around with myself when things get stressful from now on.

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