Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fireman's Carnival

Tonight was the first night of the local fireman's carnival. My sister was begging me to take her, so I conceded and we went for a couple of hours. As soon as we arrived, she split off with her friends, leaving me alone.
I headed over to the bingo table, where I found a chair and put down a dollar for a card. I ended up winning on my second round, earning more than I managed to spend in the subsequent rounds of bingo and for my "dinner" (french fries and a watermelon snow cone, heh). I thought I'd spend most of my money, but I came out with more than I had going in :)
I didn't ride any rides because I didn't have anyone to ride with. I didn't play any games because the aquarium game (where you toss ping pong balls into tiny fishbowls and win a prize--I was glad to see that they've stopped the awful practice of giving away live fish to people who are just going to let them die) didn't have any stuffed lobsters like they've had for the past two or three years. I'm pretty good at the aquarium game, so I've gotten quite a collection of lobsters. I just ate and played bingo.
I did see Drew and Cassie. Cassie reminded me that I have to go to her grandma's house to help get the 4-H yard sale ready. Drew gave me his new phone number and updated me on his life; we haven't seen one another in a while. I saw a lot of people that I recognized from when I was in high school, but I didn't talk to most of them. I didn't care to talk to most of them.

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