Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to school. Yay.

My first day of classes has been busy so far, but it's been fun. I have four classes today--Chemistry lecture, Human Animal seminar, Intro to Computer Science, and a riding class meeting. I've been to the first two already, and they were great. I have the same professor for Chemistry as I did last semester, and my seminar professor seems very nice. I can't wait for my next two classes. 
They're a bit earlier than last semester. On MWF, my classes start at 8 AM, while my earliest class last semester was at 9 AM. I guess TH makes up for it, as I only have one class--starting at 11 AM, I think. It's Latin too, which should be nice. I hate walking to my seminar class because there are a lot of steep stairs leading up to the building, and I only have ten minutes to get to it. I don't have much time to stop and rest if my hip decides it can't take the stairs that morning. I also wish I could have my Chemistry lab midday on Tuesday rather than late on Friday, but I would have to move my Latin class...and, as you probably could have guessed, the Tuesday lab is much more desirable. 
I don't have much else to say except that I'm going to lunch in half an hour, right before I go to see Professor Davies again. I miss his class. 
I wish we were riding today. 
I also hate the taste and texture of not-quite-ripe bananas. I just ate one, and it was so disgusting. Yuck.
I also left my camera at home. I swear I packed it into my bag, right beside my gloves, chewing gum, and pain pills. Evidently, I didn't. I am not happy. 
In other news, I cut my stencil last night. I finally bought an Exacto-knife yesterday, along with a can of green spray paint. I was hoping to get some purple, but it was a whole lot more expensive. Oh well, green is nice too. I guess I'll go out tonight and do the deed, if it's not too cold. Well, crap. What did I just write before I started talking about the stencil? My camera's at home. I want to take a picture of it when I do it, as a way to preserve it even after someone paints over it. Perhaps I'll wait until next week. They're going to take the wall down before I get to it, it seems! I do have a camera phone, but they take crap pictures. 
I am so hungry. I know I write about how hungry I am a lot. I had peanut butter and rod pretzels last night. It was so good. I also had a sub from Subway before I got to school. That was good too. My Gatorade tasted disgusting this morning, probably because I used the water from the sink in the bathroom. Water doesn't taste good here. My banana also tasted disgusting this morning. My Cinnamon Toast Crunch was good, though, as always. I hope there's something good for me to eat at the dining hall. I have less than fifteen minutes before I think I'll leave to walk down there. 
It's warming up now, which is nice. I'm just wearing a t-shirt and a thin little hooded jacket, and I was really cold this morning when I walked to my first class. I was fine when I walked back from my second class, though. 
I can't believe I forgot my camera. 
Note to self: Remember to go to the GALL movie tomorrow night.

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